Thursday, 20 September 2012

Topic: Reflections on moral values (you are free to choose your own moral value to work on)

Reflections on value of integrity - Honesty

·         Definition of honesty/ What does it mean to be honest?
·         Why is it important to be honest? What consequences and effects would there be if we are not honest?
·         Various instances/ examples where honesty is important and the reason why we should uphold honesty.
·         How will you feel if you encountered dishonest people and were cheated by their dishonesty? Remember, it could be a family member, a close friend or even a stranger.
·         What are some exceptions when we should not be honest?
·         What should be the right way to do things then?
·         Conclusion

Reflections on Resilience/ Perseverance
·         Definition of being resilient/ What does it mean to be resilient?
·         Why is it important to be resilient?
·         Various instances/ examples where resilience is important and the reason why we should continue to persevere. What consequences and effects would there be if we do not persevere?
·         Cite example/ examples of people who show resilience and have achieved success from it. (Facts and figures as evidence)
·         How about yourself? Give an instance where you persevered and achieved results.
·         Elaborate on what you have learnt from this experience of being resilient?
·         Conclusion?

  • If you have completed your work, save it on your desktop and send to
  • If you have not completed your work, save it on your desktop and email back to yourself to continue working on it over the weekends.

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